Monday, November 21, 2011

My Learning Profile

 Today, our class did a experience in humanities again on our Learning Profile. The learning profile I got in the end is an A again, which I didn't find it too surprising about because I got the same thing last year. The parts of body that we have tested on are our brain, eyes, ears, hands and feet. It was all very fun to do.

     The profile says I learn best by focusing on the details, small, little, details. Processes by analysis, verbalization, and writing. But I think I also likes to learn by moving around and do hands-on things too. It's true I like to follow instructions like it said on the paper (logic). It also said I can learn best by auditory and visual. But I like to learn with kinesthetics too. I thought it was kind of surprising at this part because I know about this and I thought it was kind of weird of it saying something other than what I thought. That's all about how do I learn best with.

     The thing I need to improve in as it says about me is that I have to control my level of stress or I can get angry easily. I thought this is actually quite true about me because I do get angry easily. Sometimes, I even get angry without knowing it, which means I have hurt my friends serial times because of that already. I also found out that this is like the only part that I strongly agrees with what it says on the paper.

     The strategy/ies that can help me to improve my learning is maybe be more active (I don't know if that's true...) and maybe don't get mad too easily. I thought the don't get mad too easily part is like my weak spot because sometimes, I hurt people without knowing it all because I was kind of yelling at them when I talk to them because they kept on screwing up. But I really thought the figure 8 strategy was nice to cool me down a bit although it doesn't really say that on the paper. I'm not sure if I should be more active and do more hands-on things because I do a lot of it.

     The last thing is that I want my teacher to know I am pretty much very even and probably OK with whatever the assignment is about. I also find out that I study better by sitting at the front a little to the left because except for my brain, I have everything else on my right that's dominate to me. However, I do like to do things at different times. For example, if I'm really tired and I have to do a big end-of-unit test or do push ups in PE, I would be really angry and not really in a mood to talk to anyone. This is also why I get bossy and couldn't calm down because on my paper, it says I can easily get annoyed or angry. Sometimes I'm sleepy and just don't feel like moving around (even though I'd love to when I'm not sleepy). Art is something that's both OK and relaxing to me at any time. But I hate it if it just comes to talking with no action or with lot of instructions like "don't touch this and don't do that..." and the rules for this and bla bla bla... because I'm not that much of an auditory learner (No offense Art teachers!!). I think I'm still too active for all that and just can't sit still for a whole 80 minutes (unless I just have to do it with no other choice or if I'm very interested in something we do).

This picture is from last year. I colored in better this year so it's not that confusing but it's just the same thing as it said on the last year's papers.

 Here's a picture of my profile person. As you can see, I am mostly right with my Brain left.

Enjoy :D :D

Monday, September 12, 2011

My Boipoem

organized, playful and kind,
son of my parents and friend of Gard,
gaming and reading,
love, fear and happiness,
cockroach, height and airplane,
who performed a skit in front of school,
going to Norway,
Kuala Lumpur,

Me In 3

Me in 3
  The objects that I have chosen for my “Me In 3” project are a PSP game from a friend of mine in Australia, the PSP and a cactus. The reason why I chose these for my objects was because they all meant something big to me and I thought they are special, too.

  The first object I’m about to describe is the PSP game. It was called “Lego Batman” and so everything in there is pretty much made out of Legos. It was special because when I was about to leave Australia to come here, my friends were all really sad and so they all decided to save up money and bought me this game for $50 Australian dollars! They chose that because when my best friend, Steven was playing his DSi, he saw that I really liked Lego Batman. Since I was playing it non-stop in his house and I also knew it was his idea to get me this game and the game’s really good too!

  My second object was the PSP. It was given to me by my dad. So when I was about 7, I always wanted a PSP. So I kept on bugging my dad to get me one but in the end, it was actually my dad’s friend who bought me it and I was so surprised! The reason for that though was because before I went to Australia, I saw kids in my school in China playing that after-school and so I tried once and got really, really addicted to it… But my dad’s friend also bought me that because he wanted to say good-bye to us and didn’t know how. I guess that somehow, he knew I always wanted a PSP so he bought me one.

  My third object was the cactus. It was given to me by my grandma on my dad’s side who passed on a few years ago. Strangely that time at the funeral, I hardly cried! Maybe it was because I’m too little but anyways, it was she who gave me the cactus so now, if I look at the plant, it will remind me of my grandmother. Now the cactus got big enough that it blossoms every spring time!

  Thank you for reading my “Me In 3” story. Now maybe you have something like that make you want to add, too! Hope you enjoyed my story about myself!

Me In 3

Me in 3
  The objects that I have chosen for my “Me In 3” project are a PSP game from a friend of mine in Australia, the PSP and a cactus. The reason why I chose these for my objects was because they all meant something big to me and I thought they are special, too.

  The first object I’m about to describe is the PSP game. It was called “Lego Batman” and so everything in there is pretty much made out of Legos. It was special because when I was about to leave Australia to come here, my friends were all really sad and so they all decided to save up money and bought me this game for $50 Australian dollars! They chose that because when my best friend, Steven was playing his DSi, he saw that I really liked Lego Batman. Since I was playing it non-stop in his house and I also knew it was his idea to get me this game and the game’s really good too!

  My second object was the PSP. It was given to me by my dad. So when I was about 7, I always wanted a PSP. So I kept on bugging my dad to get me one but in the end, it was actually my dad’s friend who bought me it and I was so surprised! The reason for that though was because before I went to Australia, I saw kids in my school in China playing that after-school and so I tried once and got really, really addicted to it… But my dad’s friend also bought me that because he wanted to say good-bye to us and didn’t know how. I guess that somehow, he knew I always wanted a PSP so he bought me one.

  My third object was the cactus. It was given to me by my grandma on my dad’s side who passed on a few years ago. Strangely that time at the funeral, I hardly cried! Maybe it was because I’m too little but anyways, it was she who gave me the cactus so now, if I look at the plant, it will remind me of my grandmother. Now the cactus got big enough that it blossoms every spring time!

  Thank you for reading my “Me In 3” story. Now maybe you have something like that make you want to add, too! Hope you enjoyed my story about myself!

Me In 3

Me in 3
  The objects that I have chosen for my “Me In 3” project are a PSP game from a friend of mine in Australia, the PSP and a cactus. The reason why I chose these for my objects was because they all meant something big to me and I thought they are special, too.

  The first object I’m about to describe is the PSP game. It was called “Lego Batman” and so everything in there is pretty much made out of Legos. It was special because when I was about to leave Australia to come here, my friends were all really sad and so they all decided to save up money and bought me this game for $50 Australian dollars! They chose that because when my best friend, Steven was playing his DSi, he saw that I really liked Lego Batman. Since I was playing it non-stop in his house and I also knew it was his idea to get me this game and the game’s really good too!

  My second object was the PSP. It was given to me by my dad. So when I was about 7, I always wanted a PSP. So I kept on bugging my dad to get me one but in the end, it was actually my dad’s friend who bought me it and I was so surprised! The reason for that though was because before I went to Australia, I saw kids in my school in China playing that after-school and so I tried once and got really, really addicted to it… But my dad’s friend also bought me that because he wanted to say good-bye to us and didn’t know how. I guess that somehow, he knew I always wanted a PSP so he bought me one.

  My third object was the cactus. It was given to me by my grandma on my dad’s side who passed on a few years ago. Strangely that time at the funeral, I hardly cried! Maybe it was because I’m too little but anyways, it was she who gave me the cactus so now, if I look at the plant, it will remind me of my grandmother. Now the cactus got big enough that it blossoms every spring time!

  Thank you for reading my “Me In 3” story. Now maybe you have something like that make you want to add, too! Hope you enjoyed my story about myself!

Thursday, May 19, 2011

We're going to 7th grade...

      OMG! 6th past by so fast that to me, it seems as if the start of 6th grade was actually yesterday! But no matter what you think about 6th grade, I just HAVE to say that we ALL had a really awesome time. Now we're going to 7th grade, who knows what's going to happen? But no matter what, I know that we are ALL looking forward to it.

      I can never forget when we just started 6th grade in Middle School. It was quite a scary time. Each of us was really nervous and sometimes, I can even tell by my friend's voice that they were worried and scared. Of course, that's no doubt to me. I was scared too, just like the rest of them. Especially when we need to use our lockers, we get SO frustrated if we can't open our locker's lock. I also knew later on from one of my friends that after trying his locker for 5 minutes at lunch, he thought he'll never get it open again so he nearly cried! Luckily, a teacher he had no idea of came by and when she saw his face, she immediately knew what happened. Later, it was because he remembered the wrong lock combinations and they got mixed up! Ha ha! It might be quite a funny thing now but back then, I bet everyone (even me) had at least one time who got the wrong numbers or couldn't open it. I had that happen to me too!
      My greatest challenge other than the first time in Middle School 6th grade would probably be Malaysia Week. Think of that, a WHOLE week without electronics and a good sleep (for me personally)! I hate when I lose sleep! I ALWAYS make a big fuss about it! And the reason why I say MW was a challenge was because in that small particular week, I had a ton of "first times". Everyone went through first times before and everyone should know how it feels. Well, that's exactly how I felt when I was doing all this "first times"! But overall, I thought Malaysia Week was really fun! :D

      To me, the things I have learnt about myself this year are how quick I can actually catch up if I work hard! For the first trimester, I was in humanities support. But I thought that I wanted to do other stuff like I.T. although at that time, Humanities Support was a really good class for me personally. So I did my best and tried real hard. Finally, I was asked to take a Humanities Support test. I was real excited and after skipping a few lunch times :(, I finally passed Humanities Support! ( :D ) I was too happy so when Mrs Thompson asked me what class I want to choose, I said straight away. I.T. I.T. was SO good! Now, we even get to use the iPads! How cool is that?! I never realised though I can actually do it! Yay!

a) Behavior

 Could be improved


Perfect - the model student

Explanation: I think my behaviour overall are pretty good but sometimes, occasionally, I can be out of control.

b) Participation



Actively participate in class

Explanation: I usually participate the activities in class but sometimes, I just don't feel like doing anything so I might not participate THAT much...

c) Organization

Needs serious help


I'm super organized

Explanation: I think I'm quite an organized person because nearly every time an assignment was given, I would usually turn it in on the due date or before due date.

d) Effort

 Needs serious help


I always go above and beyond what is required.

Explanation: I think I give 90% of effort each day usually but sometimes, I can give more than 150% if I really wanted it to be good and to get a good grade on it.

      Now here are my two goals for next year in 7th grade...

Goal 1: Next year, I want to be more involved in things such as activities after school, in-school things and more. I think I can maybe even do some projects with my friends!

Goal 2: The second goal is that next year, I want to try to give 100% effort to EVERYTHING I do and not just when I wanted to or needed to do so. I thought that can maybe permanently make my grade go up and get an A- and above on every subject I have in the end (I ALWAYS wanted to do that but never did I succeeded before) of trimester progress report card.

      Some extra information I might want to let the 7th grade teachers know are that I'm sort of a quiet person (in here, I mostly mean asking questions, not chatting in class) so just to tell you guys that when I don't raise my hand for a question, it might not actually mean that I don't know the answer.

      Now last but not least, I need to teacher the class of 2018 (Favour!) some tips and suggestions! One big suggestion I have are that you should never leave ANY of your assignments on the last minute. In other words, it means that you should never leave your works till like the last night before due date. This way will bring your grades down REAL fast. I've never experienced this before (hardly ever) because I just don't have the habit of doing this. I thought that way was really lame! But if you want good grades (I bet most of you do!), then you should never leave things till the last minute! Otherwise, study hard. I wish you all, class 2018 a lucky year next year. Good luck!

Zifan Ye
Enjoy! :D

P.S.: The 6-A teachers are AWESOME! :D

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Letter from Jonas

Dear Lily:

      I am very sorry to tell you this and after you've read this, please keep it safe or burn it. Do not tell anyone. Lily, you have been a very good sister of mine. Remember the time when I was patting your back and you tried to get away from it? Well, that was when I was trying to give you a memory of the past so that maybe you can understand and pick up a few things in there just like how I did with The Giver. ""Lily, " he asked that evening when his sister took her comfort object, the stuffed elephant, from the shelf, "did you know that once there really were elephants? Live ones?" She glanced down at the ragged comfort object and grinned. "Right, " she said, skeptically. "Sure, Jonas. " Jonas went and sat beside them while his father untied Lily's hair ribbons and combed her hair. He placed one hand on each of their shoulders. With all of
his being he tried to give each of them a piece of the memory: not of the tortured cry of the elephant, but of the being of the elephant, of the towering, immense creature and the meticulous touch with which it had tended its friend at the end. But his father had continued to comb Lily's long hair, and Lily, impatient, had finally wiggled under her brother's touch. "Jonas, " she said, "you're hurting me with your hand. " "I apologize for hurting you, Lily, " Jonas mumbled, and took his hand away. " 'Ccept your apology, " Lily responded indifferently, stroking the lifeless elephant." Pg. 101. You guys might have found my cloth by the river and think I drowned right? Well, I didn't, I escaped from the community! The Giver have arranged the transportation to get to the outer edge of the community and from there on, I took dad's bike and rode away to what I always thought it to be Elsewhere, where there's feelings and there's freedom, unlike this community. You must be wandering why I send this letter to you, it's really because I think you are the only one in which I trust the most. But what do you think that made me do all this? Do you think I was doing this for fun? No! I won't risk my life just for fun! The thing  that made me do all this is mostly the feelings from lots and lots of the memories The Giver have given me. I think you should feel it too because it's just so good and it will also make you understand something really important, A life without feelings and emotions is a life that's not even worth living. That one reason why I want to risk my life into this. If I don't leave, then I won't really have a "life" anyways so I had to leave you guys all behind. I'm very sorry for all that anguish I have caused for the community.

      Although I have to escape after I knew all this memories, I still had a very good time with The Giver. He was a gentle man that takes care of you. I liked the memories a lot (except for some of the really painful and bad ones), they really did gave you knowledge and I think that's how I came to understand that a life with no feelings is not worth living at all. So I also think this is another reason that made me think of leaving. Lily, when you meet our parents however, Please tell them that I'm all right and please apologize for me to dad for taking his bike. Did you know that our parents sometimes lie if they have to? Well you know when daddy have to take one of the two identical twins right, well, he killed it! When something's killed, it mean it died or what we call it release. "He killed it! My father killed it! Jonas said to himself, stunned at what he was realizing. He continued to stare at the screen numbly. His father tidied the room. Then he picked up a small carton that lay waiting on the floor, set it on the bed, and lifted the limp body into it. He placed the lid on tightly. He picked up the carton and carried it to the other side of the room. He opened a small door in the wall; Jonas could see darkness behind the door. It seemed to be the same sort of chute into which trash was deposited at school. His father loaded the carton containing the body into the chute and gave it a shove. "Bye-bye, little guy, " Jonas heard his father say before he left the room. Then the screen went blank. " Pg. 150 - 151. Wasn't that very mean of our dad?! I'm not trying to blame him but I just feel oddly sorry for our dad and I also feel sorry for the poor baby although we can't have two exactly same person here in our community but they could have at least not kill it and maybe even send it here! Anyways, a life that's controlled by the others are definety not a life I want so that's the last big reason why I want to leave here. Of course I didn't even want to leave if I wasn't forced to do so because I didn't even want to suffer all that hunger and the cold! But at least I learnt a lot about the wild and I also learnt what freedom feels like. I hope you can understand all this Lily, you to me is bright enough to realize what I think so if you ever decide to leave, then I'll see you there from elsewhere!

See you for now,
love Jonas.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Utopia Lit Circle 5

      The two reasons for the quote on Mrs Narsiman's blog are that first, when Jonas knew how to transfer memories, he felt freedom and also when he for the first time, never to take the pill again, he felt freedom too. Why? It's all written down here...

      First up, memory transfer.... He felt freedom because he had never knew he can do that and when he knew it, he can then experience something he didn't know and it wouldn't be noticed or found out by any other people. The reason why I said so was because to me, I was be really excited about something new and exciting things that no one around me know. To me, that's also like a freedom for my soul too (it's sort of hard for me to explain more because I for some reason just can't express what I want to say in any languages so I just stopped there... :( ) I also thought it would be a pretty surprising thing since you didn't know you can do that and I think that really the happiness of found something I always wanted or I've never knew before just makes me feel good and free...

      Next up,the pill... "The next morning, for the first time, Jonas did not take his pill. Something within him, something that had grown there through the memories, told him to throw the pill away." I think he did that because of all the memories he have received from the Giver. I also think he felt freedom because since it's his first time not doing something that he normal would do like the pill which he and everyone in the community should take. Instead, he threw it away. I think it was because of two reasons. First, I think he have really just made a choice on his own. He had and choice of having the pill or not to do that and he chose not to do so because like it said, something within him, something that had grown there through the memories, told him to throw the pill away. I think when he made the choice, he have pretty much just tried something new and I think it was because of all the reason I've said above for the first reason. The second one is similair because it was his first time too of not taking the pill that he should have normally. The reason it pretty much the same so I'm not going to repeat it anymore.

      Thanks guys! This is all of my blog! Hope you liked it! Enjoy! Enjoy! :D!   

Zifan Y.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Debi's diary

Once, On a nice Friday in 1956, 3rd of September, when I am walking home with a heavy bag pack on my back toward my house in the hot, Egyptian desert, I suddenly fell into a large hole. At first, I thought it was quick sand but as I sank through it helplessly, my foot touched something. It was hard and because my shoes was burning from the heat above, it suddenly cooled down. I tried to climb up and to my total surprise, I went out of there easily without hurting myself! After I went up, I looked down at the hole which I thought was quick sand. There’s nothing there except for a pool of sand. I went back down the shallow hole, and as soon as I touched the sand at the bottom, I started to dig sheepishly. I haven’t even dig for 15 seconds when my hand touched something cold and hard. My brain instantly told me they are some stones. I begin to brush using my hand and after a while, a nice looking cartouche appeared in front of my face. I know a bit of Egyptian so I tried to read it. It said something like D-E-B-I. I threw the stone beside my bag pack and went back down. I hardly have begun digging again when I found some pieces of paper in the sand. I took it out. It was yellow with age and some of them was ripped and some was cut. But after some hard time looking at it, I finally made out the word “poor” and the word “stone caver”. I jammed those papers into my pocket and I started to dig again but this time, I found nothing else so I decided to leave. When I got up, I knew from the sun that it was evening for it’s going towards the west. So I throw my bag pack onto my back and started for the rest of the way back home.

Dear Diary,
3rd of January,

Today was a very peaceful day when I woke up because I remembered that today is the day where all the stone carvers get a rest. But for me, stones are like my money. Without stones, I’ll definitely  starve!! So, as I wore on my filthy, muddy cloth that’s full of holes which is made out of hard linen, I decided to go for a walk down the Nile so I can pray to the god. As I came near it, I saw a weird looking rock. I have being working on carving stones for 10 years and I’ve never seen these rocks alone the Nile. It was golden and it felt heavier than other rocks that I use the carve statues and carthouches out of. Since I’ve never seen this rock before, I just kept it in my only pocket on my cloth that doesn’t leak and walked on.
    It was a very hot day today and when I reached the Nile, which was really just 50m from where I found the weird rock, I’m already sweating like mad! But no wonder how hot I am, I just kneel down onto the warm sand alone the Nile and prayed to the god of the water, hoping  it won’t flood that often. After the praying,  I went alone the bank to trying real hard to relax. It was just morning and after a short distant walk, I picked up a large, flat stone and went home, thinking of what to do with the stone. When I entered my door way, I went straight toward my bed since it felt really soft and comfortable. The room isn’t a very big house but unlike the peasants who’s working out there right now in the hot sun, I can do whatever I want and I’m free from slavery. There isn’t much in this small room but at least, I have a bed made mainly out of straws and leaves. It actually feels really good at night! Anyways, other than my bed, I have a stone table a stone chair made by two very large stones that I’ve one found in the river. As I’m working on the stone, which was thought by me to be and base of a cartouche, I heard from my window the cry from the peasants and the yell of their masters. I live alone the bank of the Nile alone with the peasants since I thought that was easier than living in the downtown which most of my friends choose to stay. I go there sometimes to buy food but other times, I just buy the food from the slave masters.
    Now I’m nearly done with the base. It was pretty cool inside my house so I can at least concentrate on what I’m doing without getting annoyed by the heat. But after a while, I remembered that I haven’t eat breakfast yet! So I went fumbled through the straws and brought out a bag of grain. After putting some grain into the clay pot I’ve built before alone the bank of the Nile, I went toward the vegetable bag. To my dismay, it was empty. So after some thinking, I decided to buy some food in town.
    After a long, hot walk on the sand, I manage to see the town which is buzzing with excitement. I started to walk but only for a few steps before a peasant bumped right into me! At first, I was very angry because I got hurt and and my leg bruised, but just before I was going to blow off stream, I saw something that the peasant was carrying, FOOD! I quickly forgot my anger and helped him up. I asked him if he was OK or not and I saw a big cut on his leg too. I asked him what happened to your legs and Nebnefer, which is the peasant’s named told me that when he woke up this morning, he cut his leg on the wall. I also asked him why didn’t someone help you but seeing the painful look on his face, I asked no more and helped him to my house.
    After we arrived at my house, we were both exhausted. I quickly helped him onto my bed and I ran down toward the Nile for some water for the cut and some water to drink too. After I got back, I was really tired. I splashed some water on Nebnefer’s leg and while I was doing so, I thought about someone who can actually heal Nebnefer’s leg. A thought dawn on me. The doctor! The doctor in town! I was about to set off again when I remembered how tired I am. So I sat back down on the stone chair and drank some water. Nebnefer was already asleep and I saw that the bleeding was a little bit better. After much resting, I decided I must do this thing to help the peasants since they’re so poor. So back I go toward the town to find the doctor. After I got to town, I went straight to the house of one of my friend, Methyethy. Methyethy is a doctor I know because I have once cut my hand on a very sharp stone when I was carving a statue for the Pharaoh’s temple and when I went to town to find a doctor a few months ago to find a doctor, Methyethy saw me and healed my hand without making me pay a lot of money! After I went into Methyethy’s house, I told him everything. Before I even finished, he jumped right up out of his chair and dashed out of the house. I was right behind!
    When we got back, Nebnefer was awake. Methyethy told me to go out of the house and wait outside but since I feel like having a swim in the Nile to cool down myself, I obeyed almost instantly. When I got to the water, I didn’t even hesitate to jump into the water. The water felt really cold but on such a hot day, even the water was heated up. But the water’s cool enough for me anyways. I stayed there all the time until when the sun is directly above me. I’m beginning to feel real hungry since I still haven’t had breakfast yet. So I jumped out the water and went back toward my house. While I’m walking, I collected some sticks under some trees so I can get a fire going straight away if I need it. When I entered the house, Methyethy was packing up his medicines and I saw that Nebnefer’s left leg was covered with white bandage. I asked the doctor if he want to stay but he refused the invitation.
    The food wasn’t the best food in the world but it can at least fill my stomach. Nebnefer gave me lots of food so I can at least last for some day. The main food was rice grown just outside of my house, some meat from camels, some fishes in the Nile and some vegetables roots from other plants in which I can only buy them in town. After the meal, I said good bye to Nebnefer,  which got his leg chopped off, and went to my bed to finish off the cartouche for him for the rest of the afternoon. In the evening, I went out beside the Nile to get some “paint” from some special, little plants and went home to color my cartouche, which got me all dirty some after dinner, I went for a bath in the Nile and went back to my house, ready to spent the rest of my day for sleeping.

Dear Diary:
15th of January,
When I woke up this morning, my muscles felt different. I guess it was probably because of all that hammering from yesterday because I was finishing off another cartouche for a slave owner. Anyways, I also felt that today, I should also go to the temple and pray to the Gods of Egypt. I decided to go to the temple of Hathor. It was a really long way off from my house but since today was surprisingly cooler than the other holiday 12 days ago, I didn’t even feel the heat wave when I stepped out of my house but it might be because it’s morning. The temple of Hathor was 60km north of Luxor, on the west bank of the Nile and from my house to there is about 2km away. I put on the dirty, linen cloth and I went on. Since it’s a really far walk, I decided to amuse myself as I’m walking. So I begin to recall the holiday 12 days ago when a peasant got the injured leg. It was really hot that day too and as my thought came up to the part where I was finding stones in the morning on the 3rd of January, I suddenly remembered the weird rock that gave off that brilliant flash of gold color when I picked it up. It was pretty smooth too. But no matter how hard I tried to guess what it is, there wasn’t one answer that seems to be suitable to the rock. After a while, I decided to ignore it and walk on.
    In fact, the day wasn’t cool at all! It was even hotter than the other day as the sun slowly rose from the sea of sand on the east of the horizon. I guess I’m just up too early that it was still cool. Now, I can see the temple of Hathor in the distant so I walked quicker than usual. Before I enter the door of the temple, I knew from the look and the noise level that today is going to be a big day.
    When I went inside, I saw lots and lots of people waiting to pray to Hathor so I went toward them and we all waited there together until a guy came out from a huge, heavy and golden door and asked us all to come in. As we went inside, I saw a gigantic statue made out of a hard, golden colored material that makes me remembering the golden rock I’ve found. We all at once kneel to the ground and started to pray to Hathor. After we were done, we all went outside. As I was going out, I sneaked a look around the praying room. The whole entire room was filled with fire torches and the walls also gives off a brilliant golden flash and some of them have paintings on them. The room was really well lit and as I looked up, I saw the beautiful ceiling. The ceiling was carved by some of my other stone carver friends and from the four familiar small statues at the corner of the ceiling, I recognized one of them that I have made years ago on the top right corner. As I went home, the day became even hotter but while I was walking, I have other things in mind to even bother the hot air around me. When I got home, I collapsed onto my straw bed. I was tired and dehydrate. I quickly ran to the Nile and got a bucket full of water which I’ve brought home to drink. As I lay there on my bed drinking, I thought that I should also pray to the sky God, Nut. So I went back to the bank of the Nile and I prayed to her. Nut is the God of the sky and she was the one who made the extra 5 days on Earth. On that 5 days, she gave birth to 5 other gods like Orisis and others and her real name was really Nuit. As I finished praying to her, I saw a well dressed business man. I stood up and went toward him. When we came toward each other, I asked him what’s your name and he said that his name is Ani. I also asked him what does he do and he said he is a jeweller. I didn’t quiet understand what a jeweller is because I never even bothered to think about those people since I’m not that rich so I asked him what jeweller means. After a great deal of explanation from Ani, I still don’t get it. The only thing I think I understood is that those people collect minerals and rare rocks like gold and diamonds. But I ignored my lack of understanding and invited him to my house because I can see that he looked a bit hungry and it was getting near to midday anyways. After he went through my door way, I immediately asked him to sit down on the stone chair. I went outside again to collect some sticks and then, I sat just around my door way and I went back in to grab my clay pot. After lunch was ready, I went back in with the food and we ate together, laughing and joking. After lunch, I went to the Nile to wash my pot. When I came back, however, I found Ani staring at something. I put my pot on the stone table and went closer to Ani, who turned to look at me. I can see from his expression that he was really surprised about something. Then suddenly, I saw what Ani was looking at. It was the mysterious rock I’ve found the other day! I asked him if there’s anything special with that rock and when he said the answer, I was so shocked that I nearly fell over him! Luckily, I caught myself just in time. The thing he have said was gold! I can finally become rich! Ani then asked me if I’m willing to sell this to him and I agreed for a bigger house space and a garden. But before I gave this big chunk of gold since now I know what it is, I decided that I should decorate it. I should make a sign out of it! I decided also to make a Ankh out of it since Ankh was a very good symbol. Ankh is a symbol that represent eternity life and that was my most favourite symbol. I worked really hard for the rest of the afternoon but because gold was hard to carve, I still didn’t finish it when the sun started to drop down for what promised to be a cool evening so I went back to my house from the Nile alone with the unfinished gold chunk. I lie back down on my bed and thought about my day. Suddenly, I remembered that the Opening of Mouth ceremony for the death of one of the government officials was today and it was on this evening! I leaped to my foot and I thought that I should go and have a look around the place where the ceremony would be held. In town.
    The ceremony already started long before I arrived at the center of the busy town. The town isn’t usually busy at night but today, almost all the people who lived in or near the town came to the ceremony. From the point where I was standing, I can see about 5 priests standing inside the huge circle of people around them. One of them was holding a adze, a thing used for carving wood, and she, which I recognized to be a female, used that to touch the mouth, nose, eyes and ears. I remembered that such a move was meant to wake the senses of the person who’s dead. I went and stood onto a near by rock to get a better view for I was serial rows behind the front row of people. As I continued to look, I saw a few people alone with some of the priests standing on the left hand side from my view got a few rings of flowers from the scribe behind them and at the same time, them all went towards the coffin and put the ring through it. I also heard a few woman wailing a chant and the priests chanting a potent spell. After what seems like an eternity, their voice finally trailed off and I heard some people crying. Then, the priests, in a loud voice, said the ceremony is over and we can now have a feast around the coffin. The word feast reminded me that I haven’t eaten dinner yet and I’m hungry. So I decided to join those people, who didn’t really seems to mind at all, and I had a wonderful time eating and chatting too with some new people I’ve never saw before.
    After all, I went back home. It was already very dark and when I arrived back home, I felt very tired. I went to the Nile as always to have a bath but this time, I only bathed a short while for I’m scared that I’d fall asleep right there in the Nile! As soon as I was back, I immediately collapsed onto my comfortable straw bed. I was hardly on the bed before I feel all droopy and sleepy. I also felt very greatly honored that day too. After all, I was really worn out so I spent the rest of my time in a deep sleep.

Feburary, 6th

     Today, as I woke up, I somehow feel really happy. I got onto my feet and got myself dressed. As I lift my bucket that was used for water storage, I heard the cracks of wipes and the groaning sound which I think came from a slave who just got beaten. I walked faster. The morning was very cool and I really hoped that today wouldn’t be so hot. Anyways, even if it’s hot, I can still go for a swim in the Nile to cool myself down. In fact, I have done this before with my good friend Nebnefer, and it felt so good! As I scooped water into my bucket, I saw Ani walking toward me. Ani is also one of my friend now and I was thinking if I should ask him instead to go swimming with me today since I saw that the slaves are quite busy today. I greeted him and he greeted me back. We both walked into my house and I showed him the gold piece in which I have carved into a Ankh. Ani said that the pharaoh is probably going to love this and he told me that in a few days, I can move to the outer town where a bigger house is waiting for me. I would probably prefer my old house but after a great deal of thinking, I think I should maybe move. Today, I realised was really a holiday, but to me, everyday is a working day. But since I’m feeling very good and happy today, I decided to play in the afternoon instead of sitting in my house carving stone all day. I had a wonderful breakfast with Ani and the good thing is, Ani also agreed to swim with me in the afternoon. After Ani was gone to go to town, I got out my stone hammer and I went to the Nile to find some stone. Today, I decided that I should carve a statue of Orisis and sell it to the temple owner which he can put the statue later in his temple. I began frantically kicking stones and throwing them until I found what I was looking for, a large stone that’s about the size of my head. I went back into my house carrying the stone and I started to carve. The stone was really easy to cut so I guess I’ll be done by lunch time. I also wanted to carve a carthouche today but I don’t know if anyone needs it. Maybe Ani does but I bet he probably have one already.
     I carved and carved until my muscles hurt. I decided to take a break because the statue was half finished anyways. I went to my bucket of water and took a long, good drink. It was really refreshing. I went to my bed and rested on it for a while but I thought I should better get to work before it’s time for lunch. For the rest of the time before lunch, I worked really really hard and finally, when the first wave of hunger hit my stomach, I stood back and examine my beautiful work. I’m done! I lifted the heavy statue and dropped it in a corner where I’m going to sell it tomorrow. I went to my storage bag and got out some grain. I went outside and collected some sticks and I got my pot out too. Today, as I wished, wasn’t as hot as the other days and I’m quiet happy because I can hang out outside longer. I went to the bucket of water and as I lifted the bucket, I discovered that there’s a fish in there! I have never ever caught a fish in the Nile before and I was startled. I looked at the fish and I thought maybe I should cook it since I’m short of food today and I would pretty much like a fish for lunch. I fumbled through the bucket of water and finally, I caught the fish. The fish was a normal one but it was a very big fish. I think I can share this with Ani if he was here. Anyways, I threw the fish into the giant pot and I dumped half of the water in the bucket. I’m thinking of making a delicouise fish soup today. I put some rice in there and I sat down to wait for the water to boil.
    After some times, my fish soup is ready. I lifted the pot up and drank straight from it because I was ready hungry when the good smell of the fish soup hit my nose. It taste just as awesome as it smells. As I drank, a thought dawn onto me. Maybe I should catch more fishes with the bucket for fun in the afternoon. I can also cook it for tomorrow or something and I won’t be easily short of food anymore. I also thought Ani might like it too. So after I ate half of the fish and drank some more soup, I decided that we can try catching some fish while we’re going swimming. I cleaned up my cooking area and went to my bed. I thought maybe I should rest so I can play well in the afternoon so I lie down and slept.
    Knock knock KNOCK! It must have came from the door! I opened my eyes and I knew immediatly that it must be Ani. I stood on my feet and I went outside. Ani was waiting and when he saw me, he said that he can go for a swim today but he won’t be here for dinner because I told him yesterday that you should come and have dinner tonight. I nodded and said that’s alright and we both went to the Nile. As we went, Nebnefer saw us and told us to wait for him. He came shortly dressed in his usual dirty linen cloth and all three of us wadded into the Nile. The water felt really cool and refreshing and we started to splash water to each other and play. I swam around them because I felt very happy. But after some time, Nebnefer said he have to go or he’ll get beaten so we said good bye to him and we went back to swimming. As I swam, I remembered that we can also go fishing, so I went up the bank and told Ani that I’ll be back soon. I ran back and got my bucket. I ran to the Nile again and I jumped right into the water. I splashed onto Ani and he splashed water to me back. I told him that we can go fishing now and to my surprise, he told me that he knows how to fish! We fished with the bucket for a long time before we all got tired. We both went back to my house and since I don’t know what else I should do, I decided to play Senet with Ani and that was really lot fun. We played all the way till we were hungry for our dinner. I forgot that Ani wasn’t suppose to stay for dinner so I cooked a very big fish. But when I do remember that Ani isn’t staying, I was really sad! Anyways, I ate dinner and for the rest of the day, I decided that I should sleep since I think it’s so very tiring today.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

The Giver Blogpost #2

      My question is number 1 when Jonas learns all about colors, he claims "it isn't fair that nothing has color". Why does he say this?
      Answer/Response: Well, my response to this question would be that I, first, have two reasons why I think he said so.

      First, I thought he said so because if he can see colors, then he can have a choice for example buying a red T-shirt or a blue one. But when he can only see black and white, the only difference he would notice is that the red one is slightly darker than the blue one but who  would really care if the red one is darker and the blue one is a bit lighter? It won't stand out either so when someone was trying to find Jonas and he was really wearing a red shirt, someone might easily confuse the blue and the red and end up with another person if they can't see their faces. There was this quote from the book where Jonas said that the world with no colors is unfair and he wants to make choices of his own. "'It's the choosing that's important, isn't it?' The Giver asked him. Jonas nodded. 'My little brother--' he began, and then corrected himself. 'No, that's inaccurate. He's not my brother, not really. But this newchild that my family takes care of--his name's Gabriel?'..., '...and he could choose?...'" Pg. 98.

      The second reason why I think that a world without colors is unfair is because without colors, the humans would have lost so many wonderful things and many other wonderful thing to see to because we can't see any color. It's also unfair because we have lost such a great ability from our eyes too. I thought it was also very hard to make things out especially if you were drawing and all you would draw is probably black and white pictures instead of those colorful painting I did in trimester 1 in art with Mrs Paz. It's also because color would take away most of our choices. "'...I want to wake up in the morning and decide things! A blue tunic, or a red one?' He looked down at himself, at the colorless fabric of his clothing. 'But it's all the same, always.'" Pg. 97.

      I also thought that Jonas's world, the world without colors would be boring too because since I like art and I got A+ on it, then I like pictures and from my point of view is that Jonas's world would probably miss out all those great, colorful paintings made by those famous artists. Even just trying to calm yourself down by looking at the setting sun or something won't work out either because there won't be any colors for their eyes to see except for from black to white. Boring isn't it?

      Well, that's all my reasons why I think Jonas said it was unfair because if I was his, I would have probably said the same thing to The Giver myself too!
Here's the difference between color and no color...:
(These trees are different but you can still see the differences...)



Monday, March 7, 2011

The Giver Blogpost

      I have chosen question number 1, would I like my future to be controled or not? Why or why not?

      Well, to this question, I think I would say no. I have three reason why want to say no too. Firstly, I think I don't want to be controlled because I still want to be myself and make my own choice all by myself although that could mean I might make a wrong choice but I also thought that I probably don't want to be controlled by someone and in the end, having a life that's not really even mine although I'm living. I say that because it's basically the person who's arranging me doing all the thinking but not me.

      Secondly, I thought if my life was all predictable, then I guess that my life won't be exciting because I won't have much surprises since I would already know what my whole life is going to be instead of been surprised by a lose of job or a job that's totally out of your prediction. I also think that you wouldn't have much feelings at all such as sadness because you have failed your test or happy because you have finally got the packet of Lego you really wanted for years!

      Thirdly, and last of all, I think I don't want a predictable life because I thought that won't involve much thinking. If people don't have much thinking, then people will probably easily get bored and maybe they won't be that smart either because their brains can't work as fast since they are not thinking too much. I also thought is would be stupid too especially when you thought that the person who thinks for you made a wrong choice for yourself but you are not able to apply for a change or anything. If that's so, then my life wouldn't even be mine!

      That's all of my reasons why I do not want my future to be predictable. But sometimes, I also thought that's a good thing too since anything have a bad side and a good side. I thought it might be good because then, I won't make a bad choice when I don't know which choice I make only!

      Here's a picture of the book "The Giver"... :


      Enjoy :D!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Ancient Egypt - Pharaoh Assignment

     For the past few days in Humanities, we have been working on a project called Ancient Egypt - Pharaoh Assignment. Our job is suppose to do an Imovie on it to describe the Pharaoh you were assigned and post it on YouTube. Hope you enjoy it!!

     I think the Pharaohs created the monuments because they all want their Kindom to look cool. They also create monuments to let other people remember them and because they have a very strong belief on Gods and other Godness. The one me and Harry are doing, Khufu, was one of them and that's why he built the Great Pyramid of Giza, which took him about 26 years to finish it.

     The monuments that are similar to the Pharaohs is that we have lots and lots today. Some are for living like apartments and some are for offices and some are for other emergency uses and help centers. The monuments we have today are way better and a lot more variety than the ancient Egyptians. Churches or in Malaysia, Mosques are like the places where the Egyptians pray to their God in ancient Egypt. But where did I found all this wonderful information? Where did I put it on so me and my partner can collaborate so good? Of course, it's...
     Google Docs!!!!! It made it easier for us to collaborate together whenever we are because it is on the Internet. Also if you save it on your USB, then usually, only one person can work on it at home and if you ever forgot to bring your thumb drive to next day in school, then you will be in deep trouble. But we have learnt lots of things too.

     The things we've learnt from this assignment are that Khufu, the great pyramid builder, didn't build it himself. But the people who helped building it wasn't forced and they're Not slaves. Instead, they were paid for doing so.

     The challenging part of this presentation I have found hard to get over with is mostly searching for information. The searching part was annoying too because when you type the keywords in Google, some websites after the search didn't match at all what we were searching. Instead, it just popped up with this random text saying something about having BEEP and downloads and other things we don't need to know about.

     The most obvious school-wide learning results is Collaborate Constructively, Communicate Effectively and Reasoning Critically. There are also others such Learning Enthusiastically and much more!!

Thank you for watching our presentation and reading our reflective.
Enjoy :D

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

City Powerpoint

     Not long ago, all of us in our class did a presentation on our city or the city you call home. I choose Shanghai and I thought everyone (including ME!) did a very good job on their presentation, especially how everyone stood up and present their Power Point because I thought that was very brave of everyone doing that.

     The thing I believe I did well in my presentation is that I definitely entertained everyone with my moving pictures in every page of my presentation! I also thought I did a good job on my facts even though my history facts is a little too small but Shanghai was short in history itself so it didn't matter that much after all. Because of all this, I had actually two pages of sources!! But mostly, it's graphics for images so there's only half a page of information URLs if there's no images.

     Even though I thought I did a good job, I also thought there's something to improve as well. For example, in my presentation, I thought I could improve my content. I thought I could also improve my grammar too, which I think why I've only got an A but I found out this time that I've made less spelling mistakes then the beginning of the trimester where there was so many silly little spelling mistakes. I was pretty proud of that though.

     This time, the most important thing I've learned from my presentation this time is that the median age group in Shanghai is actually very young and I was pretty surprised because I never even thought it would be so young. The things I've learned from other people's presentation is that I never knew first that Malaysia had so many people. Secondly, I also never knew for computer uses that the moving pictures also works on Google docs. I'm so happy now because I knew all these things!!

     This time, however, I thought I only did OK on the performing part because I think I lacked eye contacts with other people when I was presenting, which happened because I realised that I didn't memorise all of it when I thought I did at home when I was practicing, which was a fail... :(. But I thought my pace was pretty good this time when  I was doing the talking, which was a good pay back from my practicing at home.

     This is basically all about my reflection on my presentation this time. Down here is a scree shot of one page of my Power Point presentation. Hope you liked my post!!!! :D

Here's the URL for my full presentation...
Enjoy!!!! :D :D

Sunday, January 9, 2011

New Year Resolutions for me

      2010, the awesome year have went and what's waiting for us now? Of course! 2011!! But 2011 won't be good if we don't do anything or have no achievements so let's start to make some year-long plans & goals!! Here below is the goals I have set for myself and also why.

      First, I would like to have every single one of my grade above A- or into the A zone. This is why I've set this goal for me. If I get all grades above A-, then I might be able to get 100 Ringgit! OK, maybe I won't but I'm trying to beat my cousin in America and I might get something else instead!! But things isn't so good right now since I got a B in science and B+ in P.E. so I thought I need to try harder. Here is a picture of my grades (Don't say they are bad!!):

      The second goal I want to reach this year is to really get more fit and more stronger. If I don't, I could lose more marks in P.E. and even if I don't, I still want to get stronger so the choices I choose won't be too limited when it comes to do physical things like hiking (which I hates...) or swimming. I also thought it might help me learn better because I usually feel sleepy if I don't do exercises.

      The third and the last of my most important goals is that I have to play less games!!!! I'm finding that if I stare too long at any screens, my eyes would hurt and water. But sometimes, I just feel like playing a game. Sometimes, my eyes hurt because I'm spending too long making a game with Game Maker. I also noticed that I watched too much TV too. So I thought instead of doing all this, I can maybe read some books that I enjoys (I like any books that's not boring. Adventure ones are good...) and spend less time on electronic things (I forgot that I also play my PSP if I'm bored sometimes...) as I would normally do.

      I also went to Penang this vacation. It was pretty fun, especially when we went to the beach. When we got tired, we went to a place called Gurney Plaza at lunch and ate KFC. Before all this, we also went to loads of other places that I don't remember much on the names. I only remembered four towers called Kek Lok Si Temple, a castle wall called Fort Cornwallis or something and others. I also remembered our hotel called Cititel. It was really nice. Anyways, the food was AWESOME!! I loved the food especially something called Char Keow Teow or something. It was really nice but the bus trip was 5 hours!! Except for this vacation, I just stayed at home and did some game making. I also went swimming.


      So now, you have know the goals I've made. You have also know what I did for my vacation. So how about you? Have you made a resolution for yourself yet? Have you went anywhere exciting? If you haven't then come on! Let's get moving! What you waiting for? Enjoy!!