Sunday, January 9, 2011

New Year Resolutions for me

      2010, the awesome year have went and what's waiting for us now? Of course! 2011!! But 2011 won't be good if we don't do anything or have no achievements so let's start to make some year-long plans & goals!! Here below is the goals I have set for myself and also why.

      First, I would like to have every single one of my grade above A- or into the A zone. This is why I've set this goal for me. If I get all grades above A-, then I might be able to get 100 Ringgit! OK, maybe I won't but I'm trying to beat my cousin in America and I might get something else instead!! But things isn't so good right now since I got a B in science and B+ in P.E. so I thought I need to try harder. Here is a picture of my grades (Don't say they are bad!!):

      The second goal I want to reach this year is to really get more fit and more stronger. If I don't, I could lose more marks in P.E. and even if I don't, I still want to get stronger so the choices I choose won't be too limited when it comes to do physical things like hiking (which I hates...) or swimming. I also thought it might help me learn better because I usually feel sleepy if I don't do exercises.

      The third and the last of my most important goals is that I have to play less games!!!! I'm finding that if I stare too long at any screens, my eyes would hurt and water. But sometimes, I just feel like playing a game. Sometimes, my eyes hurt because I'm spending too long making a game with Game Maker. I also noticed that I watched too much TV too. So I thought instead of doing all this, I can maybe read some books that I enjoys (I like any books that's not boring. Adventure ones are good...) and spend less time on electronic things (I forgot that I also play my PSP if I'm bored sometimes...) as I would normally do.

      I also went to Penang this vacation. It was pretty fun, especially when we went to the beach. When we got tired, we went to a place called Gurney Plaza at lunch and ate KFC. Before all this, we also went to loads of other places that I don't remember much on the names. I only remembered four towers called Kek Lok Si Temple, a castle wall called Fort Cornwallis or something and others. I also remembered our hotel called Cititel. It was really nice. Anyways, the food was AWESOME!! I loved the food especially something called Char Keow Teow or something. It was really nice but the bus trip was 5 hours!! Except for this vacation, I just stayed at home and did some game making. I also went swimming.


      So now, you have know the goals I've made. You have also know what I did for my vacation. So how about you? Have you made a resolution for yourself yet? Have you went anywhere exciting? If you haven't then come on! Let's get moving! What you waiting for? Enjoy!!


  1. Hey Zifan. This is Shin Young. I like your blog but you shouldn't put words like sucky. It's informal... You got some spelling errors such as excises. It should be exercises... Anyway, it's really good. I hope you can play less games and get more stronger!

  2. You should also put a picture though.....
