Thursday, May 19, 2011

We're going to 7th grade...

      OMG! 6th past by so fast that to me, it seems as if the start of 6th grade was actually yesterday! But no matter what you think about 6th grade, I just HAVE to say that we ALL had a really awesome time. Now we're going to 7th grade, who knows what's going to happen? But no matter what, I know that we are ALL looking forward to it.

      I can never forget when we just started 6th grade in Middle School. It was quite a scary time. Each of us was really nervous and sometimes, I can even tell by my friend's voice that they were worried and scared. Of course, that's no doubt to me. I was scared too, just like the rest of them. Especially when we need to use our lockers, we get SO frustrated if we can't open our locker's lock. I also knew later on from one of my friends that after trying his locker for 5 minutes at lunch, he thought he'll never get it open again so he nearly cried! Luckily, a teacher he had no idea of came by and when she saw his face, she immediately knew what happened. Later, it was because he remembered the wrong lock combinations and they got mixed up! Ha ha! It might be quite a funny thing now but back then, I bet everyone (even me) had at least one time who got the wrong numbers or couldn't open it. I had that happen to me too!
      My greatest challenge other than the first time in Middle School 6th grade would probably be Malaysia Week. Think of that, a WHOLE week without electronics and a good sleep (for me personally)! I hate when I lose sleep! I ALWAYS make a big fuss about it! And the reason why I say MW was a challenge was because in that small particular week, I had a ton of "first times". Everyone went through first times before and everyone should know how it feels. Well, that's exactly how I felt when I was doing all this "first times"! But overall, I thought Malaysia Week was really fun! :D

      To me, the things I have learnt about myself this year are how quick I can actually catch up if I work hard! For the first trimester, I was in humanities support. But I thought that I wanted to do other stuff like I.T. although at that time, Humanities Support was a really good class for me personally. So I did my best and tried real hard. Finally, I was asked to take a Humanities Support test. I was real excited and after skipping a few lunch times :(, I finally passed Humanities Support! ( :D ) I was too happy so when Mrs Thompson asked me what class I want to choose, I said straight away. I.T. I.T. was SO good! Now, we even get to use the iPads! How cool is that?! I never realised though I can actually do it! Yay!

a) Behavior

 Could be improved


Perfect - the model student

Explanation: I think my behaviour overall are pretty good but sometimes, occasionally, I can be out of control.

b) Participation



Actively participate in class

Explanation: I usually participate the activities in class but sometimes, I just don't feel like doing anything so I might not participate THAT much...

c) Organization

Needs serious help


I'm super organized

Explanation: I think I'm quite an organized person because nearly every time an assignment was given, I would usually turn it in on the due date or before due date.

d) Effort

 Needs serious help


I always go above and beyond what is required.

Explanation: I think I give 90% of effort each day usually but sometimes, I can give more than 150% if I really wanted it to be good and to get a good grade on it.

      Now here are my two goals for next year in 7th grade...

Goal 1: Next year, I want to be more involved in things such as activities after school, in-school things and more. I think I can maybe even do some projects with my friends!

Goal 2: The second goal is that next year, I want to try to give 100% effort to EVERYTHING I do and not just when I wanted to or needed to do so. I thought that can maybe permanently make my grade go up and get an A- and above on every subject I have in the end (I ALWAYS wanted to do that but never did I succeeded before) of trimester progress report card.

      Some extra information I might want to let the 7th grade teachers know are that I'm sort of a quiet person (in here, I mostly mean asking questions, not chatting in class) so just to tell you guys that when I don't raise my hand for a question, it might not actually mean that I don't know the answer.

      Now last but not least, I need to teacher the class of 2018 (Favour!) some tips and suggestions! One big suggestion I have are that you should never leave ANY of your assignments on the last minute. In other words, it means that you should never leave your works till like the last night before due date. This way will bring your grades down REAL fast. I've never experienced this before (hardly ever) because I just don't have the habit of doing this. I thought that way was really lame! But if you want good grades (I bet most of you do!), then you should never leave things till the last minute! Otherwise, study hard. I wish you all, class 2018 a lucky year next year. Good luck!

Zifan Ye
Enjoy! :D

P.S.: The 6-A teachers are AWESOME! :D

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