Monday, March 28, 2011

Utopia Lit Circle 5

      The two reasons for the quote on Mrs Narsiman's blog are that first, when Jonas knew how to transfer memories, he felt freedom and also when he for the first time, never to take the pill again, he felt freedom too. Why? It's all written down here...

      First up, memory transfer.... He felt freedom because he had never knew he can do that and when he knew it, he can then experience something he didn't know and it wouldn't be noticed or found out by any other people. The reason why I said so was because to me, I was be really excited about something new and exciting things that no one around me know. To me, that's also like a freedom for my soul too (it's sort of hard for me to explain more because I for some reason just can't express what I want to say in any languages so I just stopped there... :( ) I also thought it would be a pretty surprising thing since you didn't know you can do that and I think that really the happiness of found something I always wanted or I've never knew before just makes me feel good and free...

      Next up,the pill... "The next morning, for the first time, Jonas did not take his pill. Something within him, something that had grown there through the memories, told him to throw the pill away." I think he did that because of all the memories he have received from the Giver. I also think he felt freedom because since it's his first time not doing something that he normal would do like the pill which he and everyone in the community should take. Instead, he threw it away. I think it was because of two reasons. First, I think he have really just made a choice on his own. He had and choice of having the pill or not to do that and he chose not to do so because like it said, something within him, something that had grown there through the memories, told him to throw the pill away. I think when he made the choice, he have pretty much just tried something new and I think it was because of all the reason I've said above for the first reason. The second one is similair because it was his first time too of not taking the pill that he should have normally. The reason it pretty much the same so I'm not going to repeat it anymore.

      Thanks guys! This is all of my blog! Hope you liked it! Enjoy! Enjoy! :D!   

Zifan Y.

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