Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Letter from Jonas

Dear Lily:

      I am very sorry to tell you this and after you've read this, please keep it safe or burn it. Do not tell anyone. Lily, you have been a very good sister of mine. Remember the time when I was patting your back and you tried to get away from it? Well, that was when I was trying to give you a memory of the past so that maybe you can understand and pick up a few things in there just like how I did with The Giver. ""Lily, " he asked that evening when his sister took her comfort object, the stuffed elephant, from the shelf, "did you know that once there really were elephants? Live ones?" She glanced down at the ragged comfort object and grinned. "Right, " she said, skeptically. "Sure, Jonas. " Jonas went and sat beside them while his father untied Lily's hair ribbons and combed her hair. He placed one hand on each of their shoulders. With all of
his being he tried to give each of them a piece of the memory: not of the tortured cry of the elephant, but of the being of the elephant, of the towering, immense creature and the meticulous touch with which it had tended its friend at the end. But his father had continued to comb Lily's long hair, and Lily, impatient, had finally wiggled under her brother's touch. "Jonas, " she said, "you're hurting me with your hand. " "I apologize for hurting you, Lily, " Jonas mumbled, and took his hand away. " 'Ccept your apology, " Lily responded indifferently, stroking the lifeless elephant." Pg. 101. You guys might have found my cloth by the river and think I drowned right? Well, I didn't, I escaped from the community! The Giver have arranged the transportation to get to the outer edge of the community and from there on, I took dad's bike and rode away to what I always thought it to be Elsewhere, where there's feelings and there's freedom, unlike this community. You must be wandering why I send this letter to you, it's really because I think you are the only one in which I trust the most. But what do you think that made me do all this? Do you think I was doing this for fun? No! I won't risk my life just for fun! The thing  that made me do all this is mostly the feelings from lots and lots of the memories The Giver have given me. I think you should feel it too because it's just so good and it will also make you understand something really important, A life without feelings and emotions is a life that's not even worth living. That one reason why I want to risk my life into this. If I don't leave, then I won't really have a "life" anyways so I had to leave you guys all behind. I'm very sorry for all that anguish I have caused for the community.

      Although I have to escape after I knew all this memories, I still had a very good time with The Giver. He was a gentle man that takes care of you. I liked the memories a lot (except for some of the really painful and bad ones), they really did gave you knowledge and I think that's how I came to understand that a life with no feelings is not worth living at all. So I also think this is another reason that made me think of leaving. Lily, when you meet our parents however, Please tell them that I'm all right and please apologize for me to dad for taking his bike. Did you know that our parents sometimes lie if they have to? Well you know when daddy have to take one of the two identical twins right, well, he killed it! When something's killed, it mean it died or what we call it release. "He killed it! My father killed it! Jonas said to himself, stunned at what he was realizing. He continued to stare at the screen numbly. His father tidied the room. Then he picked up a small carton that lay waiting on the floor, set it on the bed, and lifted the limp body into it. He placed the lid on tightly. He picked up the carton and carried it to the other side of the room. He opened a small door in the wall; Jonas could see darkness behind the door. It seemed to be the same sort of chute into which trash was deposited at school. His father loaded the carton containing the body into the chute and gave it a shove. "Bye-bye, little guy, " Jonas heard his father say before he left the room. Then the screen went blank. " Pg. 150 - 151. Wasn't that very mean of our dad?! I'm not trying to blame him but I just feel oddly sorry for our dad and I also feel sorry for the poor baby although we can't have two exactly same person here in our community but they could have at least not kill it and maybe even send it here! Anyways, a life that's controlled by the others are definety not a life I want so that's the last big reason why I want to leave here. Of course I didn't even want to leave if I wasn't forced to do so because I didn't even want to suffer all that hunger and the cold! But at least I learnt a lot about the wild and I also learnt what freedom feels like. I hope you can understand all this Lily, you to me is bright enough to realize what I think so if you ever decide to leave, then I'll see you there from elsewhere!

See you for now,
love Jonas.

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