Thursday, October 14, 2010

The scary day of Tom, the mudskipper and his friends

        As I opened my eyes from my bed, I had a really weird feeling that today was special. I was really excited, so I sit up on my bed and tiptoed across the small mud room. As I reached the door way, something was telling me you shouldn't go out but I opened the door and stepped outside any ways.
        The day was filled with gentle breezes and the sky was mostly covered with could. I have nothing to do the first thing in the morning so I went over to one of my friend's house because I heard him say that he wakes up long before the first ray of the sun. His name is Timy and as I went near his house, I smelled something good. Suddenly, I felt very hungry. So I knocked on the door of Timy's and the door was opened a few moments later by a surprised Timy.
        "I can believe it's you, I mean I thought you wake up much later then today. Do you want anything?"
        "Er, no. I just feel so excited and so jumpy today. I also felt really hungry." I said, trying to use some words to cover up that I want to eat at Timy's place.
        "Oh! You're hungry! You should have told me that earlier. Come in at once and eat with me."
        "Yay!!" I said under my breathe.
        Timy's house was much bigger than mine and have more decorations also. I looked around the room and before Timy said where it is, I already found out!
        After breakfast at Timy's house, I went outside to start back to my house. The air was much more hotter than when I just woke up so I know I must have spend a lot of time at Timy's. As I was going, I met Hary the crab.
        "Hello Tom, where you goin'?"
        "Hey Hary. I'm going back to my house."
        "Oh, can I come?"
        "Er... Actually... Yeah, sure!"
        So Hary and I went to my house.
        About an hour later or so, noises begin to boom outside like a hundred of this village!
        "I wonder who could make such awful noise, what do you think Hary?"
        Hary paid no attention to me, so I pushed him. But I push way harder than I thought and suddenly, Hary flew outside. He came back five second later with an angry and scared face.
        "G, G, Gi, Giant's outside!!"
        I was about to laugh, but then, DOOSH!! A gigantic stick landed on the door of our house and then again, DOOSH!! But this time, one of Hary's leg got stuck under the stick.
        "Ouch!! Ouch, OUCH!!" Hary cried.
        Then, the beating stopped. Suddenly, a giant boot squashed my bed. I quickly climbed out the hole the boot have made with Hary and then I saw it, those gigiantic beings. Then I turned around just in time to see a stick on top of my head!! I took a giant hop and I turned again. The giant was still after me! I tried to jump again but was blocked by another giant. Argh! I'm going to die!
        But then, things changed. The giant that blocked me was goon and the other one with a stick have stopped. I hopped away as fast as I could and I noticed the giant was crying for help! I suddenly knew that the giant was stuck instead of not stepping onto me. Me and Hary jumped into one of the mangrove roots nearby for protection.
        After the last giant was gone, I took a deep breath and went out of the protection. The village changed, totally changed.
        Instead of just flat and sticky mud, the place was surrounded by small mangroves. I hopped here and there. I found one of the boot stuck in the mud. But the inside looks worm and comforty. So I took one of Hary's leg and throw him inside. Then I saw my parents so I told them to come here.
       After Hary went home with his parents, I relaxed in the boot. So that was the thing I was worrying about. I went out one last time and then, I saw a white leaf!
        It wasn't really a leaf but on the leaf, it says: ISKL 6A Firefly Trip (Kuala Selangor). So... Those giants are from ISKL 6A!
        Thanks alot to them Hary can't play with us for one month. But as for the boot, I have to say thank you to the 6As.
        That wasn't exiciting, that was SCARY!!

                                         The                           End
by Zifan

Here's a picture of a mudskipper...
Thank you all for reading!!

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