Monday, August 30, 2010

How did artifacts tells about the early humans?

      Well, as the pictures or the artifacts tells us, the early humans all are a very good hunter because there are a lot of people chasing horses, deers and bisons. The humans also seem wild because of the way they hunted. They don't hunt with swords back then, instead, they uses bones from animals, stones, wood (wooden clubs, wooden swords...), and loads of other tools that aren't better than the weapons we have now (which is mostly made out of steel). When their tools were basic, they had to live in caves and places found in the natural environment and the Australopithecus Afarensis didn't have fire to keep them warm either.

      The early humans lives were hard. On some pictures, there were people who were killed by fighting bisons. But some cave paintings showed animals and thing very strange. Scientists thinks that the paintings might be some kind of a spirit or belief of the early humans. Early humans also has celebrations too. They have cave paintings such as hand prints, foot prints, and lots more. One scientist even found a clay sculpture with small foot prints around it! Scientist thinks that the the humans were probably having a celebration for kids and the kids danced around the sculpture to maybe celebrate a certain kind of age, or maybe they are finally a man.
      But eventually, if their lives are hard, there's going to be heroes. The painting on some of them shows only one to three persons attacking an animal or animals. But sometimes, there are death. If they draw someone, then it must mean that the guy they drew is important. But another thing is that if they drew about death, that means at the time of the early humans, death must been taken as a kind of thing that always will happen.

      I think that's the most I can say and the most I can explain, hope you guys enjoys it!!

                                     Here is a photo of a cave painting...

Friday, August 13, 2010

My Dream Job!!

      I never wondered what kind for job I would get for Social Studies. But if I think about it, it actually sounds pretty fun because sometimes, I like to just do some digging in the sand or study history and the world map.

      I would be a Historian (if I had a chance to) because then you can study about dinosaurs that died a million years ago and dig in the sandy deserts, hopping to find a fossil like the picture. Or you will study why World War 1 and World War 2 started and you can go to the places why once it was a battle ground and finds remains of whatever was used at that time. I wants to be a Historian because I like collecting little scraps or peaces or whatsoever. The third reason that made me like History was that once at a city a little away from Perth, I was playing in the sand and I found a weird looking bone. Even though, it might not be an ancient bone, I still really liked it. Later on, a friend of mine told me that it looks like one of the dinosaur bone he saw in the museum one day.

      But besides this cool job, I think I would like to be any of them jobs that are listed. But for some reason, I think I wouldn't enjoy Geographer as much as the others but if I have to, I think its fine.

      My cousin really wants to be an Archaeologists. He thinks that one day, he is going to found out the secret rooms of the pyramids in Egypt. But maybe its true because (I not really sure if he was just bragging but it sounds pretty much true to me) he said that one day, he was digging the dirts to find rocks for his rock collection, and he dug into a big, hollowed place on the ground. Then he went inside and he saw some weird scrabbles all over the place. But he was just four at the time so he used that as his secret hiding spot. That how he didn't tell anyone about it.

      My great grandpa used to be an Historian. My dad told me when he actully did discover a secret room full of paintings on the wall. One of them even showed a tiger and three humans fighting. But my great grandfather passed away sixteen years ago of a kind of brain damage. There might be some left overs from the discovery of my great grandpa, but I never find it.

      That is probably all. I hope you guys enjoyed reading it!!

Friday, August 6, 2010

First Week In MS!!!!

      Hi everyone, my name is Zifan and I comes from China. I just past my birthday in January third (which I had a BIG party with my out-of-school friends and I got thousands of presents!!) this year and this is the first week in I am in Middle School! I really likes Middle School and I especially likes the cafeteria. I also likes the teachers here too because they are all very nice. I have lots of friends from my old campus (Elementary School) and I really enjoys collecting things such as rocks, stickers, feathers, coins, bookmarks and a lot lot more. I really likes my coin collection. I got three sets. One for Malaysia, another one for Australia, and one for China. I collects patterns for coins like the Australian ones but if it doesn't have much patterns or no patterns at all (which was not likely) like Malay or Chinese, I collect the years for the coins. I also collects moneys from different countries. I got twenty-two rocks in my rock collection. I really liked one rock that looks like a emerald to me. I really likes Asian foods even though sometimes its kind of spicy. Sometimes, I likes Indian food and Malay food because I really likes Roti Canai. I also likes Korean food.

      The last three books I've read were "A Story About Pluto" written by Elaine Scott and it was about how Pluto is a planet, "The Deep End Gang" which is the one I'm reading at school which was about this family that just moved to Winnipeg, Canada and they had three friends to check a haunted house because they saw someone in the house one night and they caught the owner that have faked he was dead and the author is Peggy Dymond Leavey. I am just now reading our library book called "Rover" by Jackie Frengh which was about a girl got taken by the Vikings and I love them all!!!!

      The last movie I've seen was "2012". I also saw a few cartoons like "Toy Story 3" and "Up"... And I actually liked some of them!! 2012 was about when they have to built boats so they can go over the tsunamis happening all over the world. Up was about a boy who wants to help a old man but got trapped outside the house when the house was flying!! Toy Story 3 was about this boy called Andy who grew up and have to throw his toys away. The last two Toy Story movie was also pretty good but that was when Andy didn't grow up yet.

      This year, I am aiming for all A's. Because I had a deal to beat my cousins in the US so I can get presents and rewards in front of them. Otherwise, I won't get any presents at all!!!!

      My social goal is gonna be taking more cares of others, because I think I need some improvement on thinking more of others. I think my best friend Gard (I have lots of best friends!!) is pretty good on this point.

      But best of all, I loved my vacation when I was in Perth, Australia and especially when I was at the beach. Because I did so much games and things and I sees a lot, especially the biggest sea shell I've ever seen on a beach but I didn't pick it up, it was TOOO deep but I was the only one that sees it 'cause my eyesight was pretty good. I also likes to ride bicycles in Perth. I can even control the bicycle with my hands off the handles!!!! It was REALLY relaxing and fun (that is really going to be a lot for my collections!!).

      I never really thought about using words to describe myself but if I have to use a few words to describe myself, I think kind, friendly, caring, careful, and likes-learning will probably suits me. But I was actually working on some of that last year!!
                                                                                  By Zifan Ye     Middle School   First Posted on 6/8/2010                   Edited on 9/8/10,