Thursday, March 21, 2013

Making the Invisible, Visible: The first step...

     There are over 30 million people trafficked in the world today and the world have an average of having one person trafficked every 30 seconds. Out of all this, only 1% of the people gets rescued and the rest are all exposed to forced labour, unwanted sex all for the evil slave owners who makes all the money. A slave only cost 90 USD today and it is still a high growing crime today. Human trafficking is ranked number 3 of the top three of the crimes that exists in the world today. We must find a way to stop human trafficking and bring peace to this world.

     Some surprises I've encountered during my research are that a cost of a slave is only on average 90 USD, or 270 RM in Malaysia, which means the slave owners think the slave's lives are worth little money. Something else that surprised me was that I never have known that such a small country like Malaysia is both a host and a destination ground for traffickers. The traffickers usually bring people from Philippines, Indonesia, Cambodia and Burma over to Malaysia and then expose them to sex and forced labour. I was also surprised because I thought slavery have ended a long time ago but only until now, I realized that slavery still not only exists, but increased on size! A good fact that surprises me is that although there are 30 million slaves in the world today, we can still stop it in 25 years. It surprised me because 30 million slaves with only 1% of them being saved can still be stopped in only 25 years, which I didn't expect it to be that short.

     I'm also sad because most of the slaves suffered for a few years and their lives aren't easy at all. I can't imagine how to live through all that and come out and can still tell those terrible stories and they're the only lucky 1% out of the whole 30 million slaves in the world today. I can't help feel shocked also because slavery was meant to be ended a long time ago in the 20th century but research showed that there are more slaves in the world today than that 30 years ago, when slavery was actually llegal.

     This image shows the issue human trafficking and it shows that the trafficked people really want help, but it makes it hard because they're kept invisible in the dark of the world. It is important to our community because human trafficking occurs a lot in Malaysia and we should rise awareness to the people and the government to stop human trafficking and help the slaves to escape. Learning about this issue makes me both surprised and sad and I think we should all collaborate together, stop Human Trafficking and make this world a better place for everyone.

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