Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Victory - by Sonia Weitz

      The poem "Victory" means lots of things for me. First, it means how sad must Sonia (author) be when that happened, especially when she knows that her dad will be taken away the next day and be gone forever. It also mean how badly the Nazis treats people because not only her dad will be taken away, she will be killed later on too. "My lovely father (once big and strong). And me, a child ... condemned to die." It also shows how much she loved her dad because she's actually breaking the rules just so she can dance with him.

      The questions that raised for me is why are the Nazis so cruel to the Jewish people and also if so, why didn't the Jews stand up for themselves? I also wonder why was this poem called "Victory"? Does it have any meanings? I also think that the reason why Sonia Weitz wants to dance with her dad even if that means shot on the spot was because it'll pretty much be the last time she'll ever see her dad again.

Picture of Sonia Weitz

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