Sunday, December 2, 2012

Stopping Alcohol Addiction Is Worth Fighting For

Stopping Alcohol Addiction Is Worth Fighting For

   There are over 140 million people in the world who is addicted to alcohol and just in the US, there are 17.6 million adults who are addicted to alcohol. Alcohol should be stopped among the people to prevent alcohol addiction. Too much alcohol can lead to many harmful things including traffic accidents, unwanted rape and harmful things to the body. There are many ways to stop people being addicted to alcohol. Putting up ads about why they should stop alcohol, make videos to educate people and not to binge drink yourself and tell your friends not to too.

    Putting up ads is one effective and relatively cheap way to make people notice and stop drinking alcohol. Facts about what alcohol does to your body is an effective way to stop people from alcohol addiction. “The ads we have helped set up has been proved to be helpful. Some of our friends have actually stopped because of our ad.” From this, we can see that ads are proved to be helpful and they not only help other people stop alcohol, it also helps your friends stop drinking if they have the same problem. Ads can also show alcoholics what the negative effects of alcohol can be. “The ads we have set up showed most of the negative effects of what you can get from alcohol. One of our friend told us that after he saw our ad, he was disgusted by the pictures and so he stopped.” Ads can show information like pictures that help people know why they should stop from drinking. Most people can’t stop drinking after they’re addicted so showing them the negative effects of alcohol can help them stop drinking. We can see from this that ads are a helpful tool to stop people from drinking alcohol but there are others tools which is proved to be better than ads.

   Making a video that educates people about alcohol and why it’s wrong to drink a lot of it is also another helpful way. People such as kids can watch these videos in class, learn from it, and will pay much more attention due to the fact that teenagers and kids likes to watch videos in class. “From my observation, students tend to pay more attention to videos during class-time and will pay attention to key notes in the video.” Videos can stop new people into alcohol addiction. From Videos, students can learn the bad effects and from the quote, we see that videos will grab more of the student’s attention and so they will learn more from it. Videos can also show people who is addicted how to stop it without the complexity of words. “There are lots of helpful Youtube videos online which shows you some good strategies to stop alcohol should you want to do that.” Online videos have many helpful tips on stopping alcohol if you plan to stop. Videos online can help people go through it step-by-step without getting lost in words or misinterpreting it. People can pause the video if they get lost and it is much more entertaining compared to words. Videos is a key card on stopping alcohol. But there is one very good strategy that we have not yet covered.

   Telling your friends that binge drinking is bad is yet another good way to lessen the amount of people in the world that drinks alcohol. When you’re going to parties, you can tell your friends or possibly the party owner to hold a non-alcohol party. “Peer pressure is a very strong tool. It can be used in a good way or a bad influence in alcohol due to the fact that your friend would want to ‘fit in’ with you.” From this, we can see that you can help your friends stop alcohol by not drinking alcohol yourself. The peer pressure would work the opposite way and make your friend stop because they want to fit in with you and be like you. Telling your friends to stop drinking can also help the world from alcohol addiction. “If one out of every 20 of us who is addicted and they tell 3 of them to stop drinking, then this world will have over 1 million people who will recover from alcohol addiction.” Here, you can see that if one of us fight for stopping alcohol addiction,  then the world can still be changed because of you. It can be very helpful if a lot of people do this. This is how telling your friends to stop drinking can make a change to stopping alcohol addiction.

  Alcohol addiction is a very dangerous and something that’s bad for your health. It can lead to a variety of things ranging from traffic accident, unwanted rape, violence to liver failure, permanent brain damage and lots more. This makes it important to fight for no alcohol addiction and lots and lots of lives can be saved in the process. There are 140 million people who is addicted currently to alcohol but if you help out, we can all make a difference.

- By Zifan